Ollie Kids & Teens - Tiptree Community Hub

Ollie Kids & Teens
I've seen a very positive improvement.
It would benefit so many children.
Every child should be offered this.
I learnt lots about my child.
It seems like a really unique way to work with the kids.
I was so surprised to see her confidently putting her hand up so often as I don't think she does this a lot in school.
My child has learnt how to deal with big emotions and hard situations they will be faced with. As a child with SEN this training was imperative to her social development.
These are just some of the comments we have received from parents of the children who attend our Ollie Kids and Teens programmes that we ran in conjunction with Tiptree Community Hub.
Our emotional resilience programmes are where children and young people learn why we need all our emotions and how sometimes we misunderstand people and much much more, building resilience, empathy, self-worth and confidence all in a team environment.
“We wanted so much for children to benefit from something to develop their emotional resilience and well-being. Said Terri Daniels, Hub Director.
"These sessions have been invaluable to those involved, week on week we have watched the children grow in confidence and learn new coping techniques.”
If you would like to find out more about our programmes please get in touch. To continue reading the article in the Tiptree Gazette please click here.