Resilience Armour - Ollie and the Magic Workshop

Creating you own Resilience Armour
The people who come on our training courses have such a passion to make a difference to the children they work with.
In Ollie and his Magic Workshop, Ollie learns how to keep bad words from getting into his head or his heart by creating his special armour. Our youngest Ollie Coach trainee, so far, has been reading this section of the book to the children she works with (they particular like the part about the bottom pg 54).
She asked them to draw what their Resilience Armour would look like so that they can use it any time they need to keep bad words and mean things from getting into their heads of their hearts. Brilliant!!
The children have even learnt that if they forget to use it at the time they can put it on later to stop the the bad words and mean things hurting them from that time on.
"Dear Ali
We read your book Ollie and the Magic Workshop and it really inspired us to draw our own resilience armours. They helped us when we were upset or when somebody was being mean to us to remember we shouldn't take it to our heads or our hearts.
Yours sincerely
Kipling Class