NACPE nomination for pastoral excellence in education - Avril Annett

Congratulations to Avril Annett for being nominated for NACPE
Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care
A person, group or organisation that has made a real difference for the benefit of young people in the area of pastoral care
For the last two years, Mrs Avril Annett has worked with students from various Year Groups as part of her work with the Organisation, “Ollie & His Superpowers” which seeks to empower students to reflect and take control of challenging situations in their lives.
In the Post-COVID era, we have found as a school many young men in our All boys School have been living with significant challenges to their mental health. They live with the stress caused by many issues from inside and out of our school community, such as poor self-esteem, chronic shyness that makes dealing with people very hard and some of them are overcome with a feeling of being overwhelmed by school and their home lives. As they often lack the skills to discuss the impact of such challenges, Avril’s support has become integral in helping them have hope and reclaim control of their lives. Her work augments a sense of “CAN DO” that helps them face challenges with confidence.
Some of the young men are having to deal with many situations ranging from family break-ups and relationship difficulties with their peers, causing them blocks in realising their full potential as students and as people. Avril works with each individual to give them the language and skills to help them grow in maturity in facing these.
Avril has worked unstintingly to help the students who attend his sessions to learn how to regulate their emotions and to choose and make positive choices for the many instances that can at first be very daunting for them to navigate. Using the Principles of her Organisation, Avril has empowered them to accept the difficulties they face and to meet the challenges in a constructive way. Her approachable and easy manner gives the students a safe space in which they can reflect, discuss their fears and concerns in an environment that is non-judgemental and supportive.
The work she does not only helps them in the present, but them coping skills that will enhance their lives beyond school.
As a school we strive to give the most enriching support and opportunities to our students. Avril is without doubt one of the greatest assets we have in De La Salle in supporting our students.
It is our great joy and privilege to nominate Avril as someone who has made an outstanding contribution, and has made a real difference for the benefit of young people in the area of pastoral care.