Meet the Ollie Coach

Introducing Paula Light
I qualified as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist in 2014 and as a Master Practitioner in 2015, I worked with a variety of clients but found more children and teenagers asking for support. So, I undertook training to work with and specially help younger clients, through Ollie and His Super Powers.
Since then I have gone on to use this and my additional training to support children and teenagers to help them to manage PTSD and trauma. In addition to anxiety, fears and phobias that affect them.
Prior to becoming a therapist, I worked in an emergency service in London, I draw on my experience of supporting people bringing my skill sets from both careers together. I work around the clients needs to identify the issues they are facing and tailor solutions for them to achieve success and improve.
Some of the areas that I work with
Worry and anxiety
School fears, starting or leaving a school, subject choices, exams and results
Bullying, peer group issues, friendships
Resilience, decision making
Body image
Sexual abuse
PTSD and Trauma
Paula is based in Northumbria. To get in contact with Paula please email her Paula.light@ollieandhissuperpowers.com