Learn to speak Ollie with Alison Knowles, author of Ollie and his Superpowers
An introduction to the Ollie Concept.
What a fun night! Ali was at her best again introducing the Ollie concept. Ali explained that through her work as a therapist she wrote the Ollie and his Superpowers series of books and how she developed the Ollie Concept. All to make sure that we give kids the best opportunity to be the best they can be.
The whole night was about how you can use the Ollie concept and your superpowers everyday within your own family or at school to help control your emotions, and change behaviour through language. Ali explained that all behaviour serves a purpose and to get to the root of the reason for our behaviour is key for change.
I've got to say went to see Ali promote her series of books and explain the whole concept of education of feelings & emotions & was bowled over by what this could do for future generations. It's not just for kids as if we as adults can learn how to change our thought process & educate ourselves we can make a huge impact difference going forward. Darren Bud
Ali demonstrated, with a lovely volunteer from the audience, a simple technique to reduce anxiety and stress which then everyone go to try.
Ali will be touring the country, with her next event being in Harpenden on the 10th July and then in Ramsgate on the 13th July.
For more information about the Ollie Concept or if you want to find an Ollie Coach local to you please email info@ollieandhissuperpowers.com